Sunday, June 8, 2008


So, we are working away on our lapbooks and I thought I would put a pic on here of the board game that we made. It was so much fun and it's on the back of the lapbook. We have timed the making of this game perfectly as we've had wild and woolly weather lately perfect for playing all our games and the homemade one is the favourite!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

On The Side...

The Olympics project is coming along nicely, Mr. Muzzy and I are learning new things which can only be good. We bought a world map and some stickers and armed with our list of countries proceeded to stick little spots on each country that participated in the games - we've got over 100 dots and still have marked off every one.

Also we have started a new lapbook, a "FUN" one as Mr. T calls it. This super special lapbook is entitled 'The Simpsons' and contains all things Simpsony!

Today Mr. T started the MS - Readathon, he's rather enthusiastic about it and has already read 101 Dalmatians! Kinda makes you proud to know your kiddie is doing something that is really important for charity.