Sunday, October 5, 2008


We have been busy little lizards here because it's Spring. Spring is usually the time of year when I get all excited about gardening for a few weeks, eventually the enthusiasm wears off. This year though Mr. T and I busily created a cactus/succulent garden out the front of our house. The husbo had a collection of cacti or succi (?) all over the place in shabby little black plastic pots so we dug out the front garden and replanted with a Buddha, fairies and dragons for decoration. I have to be honest it's pretty damn cool.

So I've had the idea of spending the next few months really getting into the environment and environmental issues. The MIL is getting Mr. T a cool eco-dome thing from her work which kinda simulates rain and the dessert. Today I bought a book called "Save The Planet - The Aussie Kid's Guide" by Helen Chapman and we are planning a visit to the Butterfly House (we've already visited the Bee Place and found that movie Bee Movie really educational). Right now we are trying to decide what to replant in the veggie patch.

You know a few weeks ago it was the most beautiful day so Mr. T and I took a walk to the park and along the way we literally took time to smell the roses (and the jasmine and the daisies). It was a week day so whilst we were exploring, getting some sun and fresh air I couldn't help but think about those kiddies cooped up in a sticky schoolroom with a teacher rambling on. We certainly lead a charmed life!

Sunday, August 10, 2008



This is to be sung to the tune of "I Will Survive"
Originally written and produced by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris
Originally performed by Gloria Gaynor
Mercilessly altered with apologies by Natalie Criss

First I was afraid
I was petrified.
Kept thinking I could never teach
'Cause I'm not certified.
But we spent so many nights
Reteaching homework that was wrong.
I grew strong,
so now I teach my kids at home!
We study math and outer space.
I just kept on despite the fear with a big smile across my face.
I bought a set of Base Ten blocks.
I bought books with answer keys.
My parents think we're nuts,
but they don't even bother me
Come on, let's go walk out the door.
We're on the road now,
'cause we're not home much anymore
My friends would laugh and say we'd be unsocialized.
I heard one mumble that I'd give up by July.
Oh no, not I!
I will survive!
As long as I know how to read
I know we'll be alright.
I've got all my life to learn.
I've got energy to burn.
and I'll survive.
I will survive.
It took all the strength I had not to fall apart.
Decided to attend a play date at the local park,
and I met oh so many moms who offered eagerly to help.
They used to cry.
Now they hold their heads up high,
and so do we!
My kids are cool!
They're not those chained up little people stuck inside at school.
So if you feel like dropping by and just expect us to be free
you'd better call ahead first 'cause we're probably busy!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


"If the child is left to himself, he will think more and better."
~ Anne Sullivan

This past week I have read two (count them two) articles about home education in Australian publications. This is quite a big deal as discussing home ed at all in Australia is incredibly rare, I have found it is still quite a taboo subject.

The first article I read was by Earl Stevens titled 'What is Unschooling'. The article discusses the rigidness in traditional schooling, a child's resistance to textbooks and quizzes and the like as well as the freedom of unschooling. The final paragraph states...
"Unschooling provides a unique opportunity to step away from systems and methods, and to develop independent ideas out of actual experiences, where the child is truly in pursuit of knowledge, not the other way around."
The magazine this came from is called Kindred, it's an alternative kind of magazine and this was my first read of it. I will however be buying it in the future.

Righty, the second article I read was in this morning's Sunday Telegraph. It featured in the Body + Soul section and I was rather surprised to see it in such a big paper HOWEVER the article wasn't completely complimentary. Comments were made about socialisation and lack of equipment as the child grows (things like science labs). I have to admit I was rather concerned about Mr. T's social skills as he is an only child but he does have the opportunity to interact with other children and doesn't seem to have a problem so I am no longer worried. The lack of equipment really does depend on the child's interests who says my son will want to use test tubes and Bunsen burners? I know I hated science. On the other hand these things are available to the public so if test tubes is what he wants test tubes is what I'll get.

Personally I unschool for many reasons my own experiences with school are included. I can remember by the time I had left school pretty much every subject required an oral assessment, that is each student was forced to speak in front of their peers for a certain amount of time on a specific topic. I absolutely hated it (despite the fact that I loved performing in my drama class). I would feel sick in my stomach on the morning of the oration, my hands would shake, my eyes would blur, my face would turn bright red and I would have difficulty enunciating - I'd have to say that I would come quite close to a panic attack and I am certain that I am not the only one who has experienced this.
Unschooling allows my child to develop his intellect without unnecessary trauma.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


So, we are working away on our lapbooks and I thought I would put a pic on here of the board game that we made. It was so much fun and it's on the back of the lapbook. We have timed the making of this game perfectly as we've had wild and woolly weather lately perfect for playing all our games and the homemade one is the favourite!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

On The Side...

The Olympics project is coming along nicely, Mr. Muzzy and I are learning new things which can only be good. We bought a world map and some stickers and armed with our list of countries proceeded to stick little spots on each country that participated in the games - we've got over 100 dots and still have marked off every one.

Also we have started a new lapbook, a "FUN" one as Mr. T calls it. This super special lapbook is entitled 'The Simpsons' and contains all things Simpsony!

Today Mr. T started the MS - Readathon, he's rather enthusiastic about it and has already read 101 Dalmatians! Kinda makes you proud to know your kiddie is doing something that is really important for charity.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ni Hao

Well the Olympics are steaming along nicely here (although we did have a slight hiccup when we came across the Modern Pentathlon, neither Mr. Muzzy or myself had the faintest idea what it was - thankfully the all powerful internet enlightened us) and we've made a new discovery, a little something home-eders call the lapbook! May I say our very first lapbook titled "Olympics 2008, Beijing China" is coming along quite nicely. Though we are still beginners it is quite basic but I plan on mastering the craftiness of it.

Tonight we are having a chinese feast and we have made some fitting decorations. Hanging from the lights are some beautifully made chinese lanterns. Oh yeah that Mr. T is quite handy with those awkward left handed scissors.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


In the mood to do something big I had the idea of doing a project with Mr. T but I had no idea what kind of project...Something "eco-friendly" maybe? Not really given that our "green-ness" already comes in spurts...

So I was chatting to Mr. Muzzy who was complaining about Roy & HG no longer doing their olympic wrap show and at the same time reading an email from a friend who also homeschools her kiddlywinks and is doing a project on the olympic games and realised that it was all arrows pointing in the Beijing Olympics area.

I have googled galore this morning and have all kinds of bibs and bobs that I am putting together. My aim is to spend the next 74 days (yes I saw all the countdowns) learning as much as we can about the olympics and China finishing up around the time of the Opening Ceremony. I've also requested a chinese penpal on that site I found (see previous entry). Now if I could just find some nice EASY recipes for chinese delicacies we really will be getting into the spirit of things.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


So we are finding it a little awkward helping Mr. T with his writing as he is left handed and we are not. At this stage I am quite happy to let him grip the pencil any way that is comfortable for him which right now is using a fist. Problem is he has a constant ink stain up his left arm as he smudges as he writes...Ah well am sure we'll get there in the end.

I have found a yahoo group that is designed to find homeschoolers penpals and I thought it would be a great way for Mr. T to learn about different countries and cultures. We have found some really great sounding people and have had a geography lesson as well. I got out the globe and we have found the different places each penpal lives in.

Life is just so exciting I can't imagine how boring it would be if Mr. T had been a school-goer. Some days we spend the whole day in our pj's lounging around watching Spongebob Squarepants, some days we are super green aware and sort out the vegie patch and other days we bake. I must admit though, it seems impossible keeping the house in some sort of tidy state I am forever slipping on books, toys, textas and tracing paper - and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


We are beginners in home education and at times it can be quite overwhelming. We live in a small coastal town in NSW and it appears there is no one like us in this town so it can be a little lonely.

Originally Mr. Muzzy and I came up with a curriculum, set out a weekly time plan and bought a diary so we could keep track of everything Mr. T was doing - it didn't even last a day. We are just not structured people, life for us can't be routined it's just too boring.
We decided to just keep doing what we had been doing since his birth, reading stacks of books daily and exploring whatever he is fascinated by.

Mr. T will be 6 in July and his reading skills are awesome. Right now his fascination is with superheroes. Our loungeroom is a mine field of "good guys" there's a beefy looking Superman, a one legged Spiderman, a hideous looking thing called The Thing, a bright yellow car called Bumblebee and the brand new obsession - Ironman!

Last Friday (after we had all recovered from the flu) we decided to treat ourselves with a visit to the pictures, we saw Ironman (an ace movie by the way). After several different people questioned Mr. T about not being in school I became a little paranoid. What educational qualities could Ironman possibly have? (Though really I don't need to justify myself if we want a nice day out, we'll bloody well have one). It wasn't long, however, until my educational needs were met...I was super proud when Mr. T read at the top of his lungs the subtitles, without any difficulites. HA! Just goes to show a lesson can be learned under any circumstances.

The three of us really do dance to the beat of our own drum AND we have loads of fun along the way.
Mrs. Muzzy.